1. Enjoy a romantic picnic on the lawn. Visit a number of local gardens or nature reserves or make it more private and picnic at home.

Complete the look with our romantic LED lights, here.
2. Spice it up in the kitchen and cook a romantic homemade meal together. Nothing says “bonding” just like crafting a meal together.

Check out some useful kitchen gadgets, here.
3. NO Phones Night for 24 Hours. That’s it. Commit to spending the evening in conversation with your loved one, and rediscover why you first fell in love. Less time on social media is bound to equal a happy partner.

Store your phones in our handy phone pockets, here.
4. Baby you should paint my love… Step into the world of art this Valentine’s Day and engage in an evening of practical painting as together, your love creates something beautiful.

Shop our Painting By Numbers range, here.